Not enough time!
To all dear readers,
Jobs, family and now studies mean that the time is not enough! I will visit you, but often I will not be able to leave a comment. You should be aware that your comments appreciated enormously. I need constructive criticism on my photos to evolve as a photographer.
Pictures will be posted, but when, where and how (often?) Is not done yet.
I want to do both good photos and interesting text on my posts - and I do not have time for doing that now, so
from this blogg I will have a break, but my "365 photos in 2010" will go on! Press HERE to go to that blogg!
I will be back I just do not know when.
Yes I know, I still have Santa on the header and I will take some time to change that but not now, sorry!
EFIT 21 februari 2025
1 dag sedan