onsdag 23 december 2009

Christmas Light

I hope the candles will burna for all of you,
all arounde the world for 2010
ABC - W for Wishing you a Merry Christams.
Thursday Challenge Light

Mellow yellow Monday nr 48
Marcro Monday

You make my heart warm by all you comments you have left here, thank you.

Nature Note nr 41
Ruby Red

I hope to see you all here for 2010. And let the fire go on. And that love will be among all of you like it is around me and my family. I have found a lot of wonderful photo- MEME ( and a lot of wonderful people). I am doing this post to some of them. It is very good to meet other blogs and have a lot of help in the way you are looking at things even if you do not alway take photos of them. Please go and visit them if you have a moment to spare.

Scenic Sunday
My world

Camera Critters nr 90
Shadow Shot Sunday nr 84

Monochrom Weekly
Saturday 26th. December. 2009. Vol.2 Issue18

Thank you for stopping by my blog from time to time - it really makes me happy. Some time work and family take all my time and there is no time to visit you - but I want you to know that you comment makes me smile. It is good to know that a few out there like to look at my photos and read my lines.

I wish you a merry and peaceful Christmas and let the new year bring lots of happiness and love to your life.

Merry Christamas and a Happy new Year,
MB, Maria Berg - Sweden

Ps. I love to show my photos (some will be on sale for postcard next year) - It is near Christmas and It is also time to think about all people in the world that will not have anything for Christmas let them be in your prayer and in your heart and try to help them in one way or the other.

Heads and Tails Show and tell
Wordful Wednesday

Best Posts
See you next year!!!