onsdag 23 december 2009

Christmas Light

I hope the candles will burna for all of you,
all arounde the world for 2010
ABC - W for Wishing you a Merry Christams.
Thursday Challenge Light

Mellow yellow Monday nr 48
Marcro Monday

You make my heart warm by all you comments you have left here, thank you.

Nature Note nr 41
Ruby Red

I hope to see you all here for 2010. And let the fire go on. And that love will be among all of you like it is around me and my family. I have found a lot of wonderful photo- MEME ( and a lot of wonderful people). I am doing this post to some of them. It is very good to meet other blogs and have a lot of help in the way you are looking at things even if you do not alway take photos of them. Please go and visit them if you have a moment to spare.

Scenic Sunday
My world

Camera Critters nr 90
Shadow Shot Sunday nr 84

Monochrom Weekly
Saturday 26th. December. 2009. Vol.2 Issue18

Thank you for stopping by my blog from time to time - it really makes me happy. Some time work and family take all my time and there is no time to visit you - but I want you to know that you comment makes me smile. It is good to know that a few out there like to look at my photos and read my lines.

I wish you a merry and peaceful Christmas and let the new year bring lots of happiness and love to your life.

Merry Christamas and a Happy new Year,
MB, Maria Berg - Sweden

Ps. I love to show my photos (some will be on sale for postcard next year) - It is near Christmas and It is also time to think about all people in the world that will not have anything for Christmas let them be in your prayer and in your heart and try to help them in one way or the other.

Heads and Tails Show and tell
Wordful Wednesday

Best Posts
See you next year!!!


Sepia Scene
Wordless Wednesday
Ordlös Onsdag - Jul


Thank you for stopping by my blog from time to time - it really makes me happy. Some time work and family take all my time and there is no time to visit you - but I want you to know that you comment makes me smile. It is good to know that a few out there like to look at my photos and read my lines.

I wish you a merry and peaceful Christmas and let the new year bring lots of happiness and love to your life.

Merry Christamas and a Happy new Year,
MB, Maria Berg - Sweden

söndag 20 december 2009

Reflection for Christmas

Weekend reflection

Please have a look an the top of this blog and read the latest post - it is a Christmas greeting for YOU!

lördag 19 december 2009

Pancake rock

Pancake rocks, New Zealand.

These strange formations are caused by a chemical process. Long ago layers of lime-rich mud were deposited on the seabed and then overlayed by weaker sheets of soft mud and clay. The seabed was tilted and raised to form coastal cliffs, and wind and water have etched out the soft layers to produce the stark relief of stratified formations. The blowholes are the result of massive undermining of these weird structures by wave action. High seas surge into caverns, causing enough pressure to propel impressive geysers of spume and spray up through clefts in the rock.

Read MORE!

Scenic Sunday nr 75

Livets spiral

Monochrom Weekly 2009. Vol.2 Issue17.

RUnning fast - two of them

Do you think they are dangerous?

Photo Hunt - Fast

Camera Critter

fredag 18 december 2009

Reflection two cars

Weekend Reflections 13
Pleas go there he has a wonderful horse reflection for us today and then you can go to others that all so post reflections.

It is always good to have two cars with you when you go shopping and can carrie home twice as much.

torsdag 17 december 2009

Tema Fredag - misstag eller missöde

Dina eller mina misstag.
Jag väljer mina barns små missar, den lilla minsta har allt hittat på ett och annat bus. Undra om det är för att hon är tredje barnet och som förädra släpper man lite på "kollen" eller har hon bara en busigare personlighet.

Strax efter att denna bilden togs hade hon själv klippt sin lugg...
Nu pratade vi om det här med saxar och hur man skulle och inte skulle använda saxen och så fick hon lov att fortsätta använda den även andra dagar och jag som vanligt använde min kamera.

Nej nu får det lov att vara nog - det blir saxförbud på dig lill tjejen!

Tema fredag - misstag eller missöde

Ps. Först på kvällen upptäckte jag att hon klippt hål på byxorna...

God Jul och se upp för saxar!

onsdag 16 december 2009

Tänd ett ljus

Sepia scene nr 62


Church Window

ABC v- View
Window view

Ordlös onsdag

tisdag 15 december 2009

Crazy horse

Caption This Contest

Did you get me? Or you have to try again.

Outdoor Wednesday

Intelligence and learning

In the past, horses were considered unintelligent, with no abstract thinking ability, unable to generalize, and driven primarily by a herd mentality. However, recent studies show that they perform a number of cognitive tasks on a daily basis, and frequently engage in mental challenges that include food procurement and social system identification. They have also been shown to have good spatial discrimination abilities.[74] Recent studies suggest horses are able to count if the quantity involved is less than four.

Studies have assessed equine intelligence in the realms of problem solving, learning speed, and knowledge retention. Results show that horses excel at simple learning, but also are able to solve advanced cognitive challenges that involve categorization and concept learning. They have been shown to learn from habituation, desensitization, Pavlovian conditioning, and operant conditioning. They respond to and learn from both positive and negative reinforcement.

Domesticated horses tend to face greater mental challenges than wild horses, due to living in artificial environments that stifle instinctual behavior while learning tasks that are not natural. Horses are creatures of habit that respond and adapt well to regimentation, and respond best when the same routines and techniques are used consistently.
Some trainers believe that "intelligent" horses are reflections of intelligent trainers who effectively use response conditioning techniques and positive reinforcement to train in the style that fits best with an individual animal's natural inclinations. Others who handle horses regularly note that personality also may play a role separate from intelligence in determining how a given animal responds to various experiences.

Nature Note

I de lugnaste vatten...

Heads or Tails Gone fishing

Watery Wednesday 66

... går det fulaste fiskar. Eller?

Ur fokus

Våga prova något nytt,
våga prova dina viongar.
Vem vet det kan bli
något det du trodde inte skulle
bli något.

Fly, flyg ut över ängar och låt dina vingar bära dig!

Tisdags Tema

lördag 12 december 2009


Scenic Sunday nr 74

I heart faces -Dog eyes!

Camera Crittersnr88

The baby

Monochrom weekly
Saturday 12th. December. 2009. Vol.2 Issue16.

fredag 11 december 2009

Twice as many

"Weekend Reflections"

Ljuset över vassen

Tema Fredag - Ljus

Unique Exposures - Sunbeam

Fler drömmar har blivit verklighet,
ALLA 365 TEMANA - jag lottar därför ut en naturbild! Tryck på länken så förstår du vad jag menar.

onsdag 9 december 2009

Fjäderlätt dans

- Får jag lov till en dans?

Ååååå en tryckare....

Torsdagsfoto Vitt

Tongario National Park - Ensam

LördagsLinsenLugn och ro

Ordlös Onsdag
Wordless wednesday

tisdag 8 december 2009

lördag 5 december 2009

LJUS taggbuske

Det är kallt grått och mulet, humöret är dåligt blodsockerhalten är låg välden ligger i mörker...

Ååååå så kommer det, det där älskade härliga fantasiksa LJUSet, solens ljuva strålar - underbart!
I det rätta ljuset kan till och med en kall, kal taggbuske se inbjudande ut, eller vad säger du?

Inspiration och kreativitet
ett fotouppdrag över helgen

fredag 4 december 2009


Here this is for you.
Bon apetite!

Foodie Friday

Mosaic Monday I am learning to do Mosaic - it is not that easy on a Mac, Yet!

torsdag 3 december 2009


Skywatch SEASON 4 EPISODE 21

Blue Monday

tisdag 1 december 2009